Thursday, July 19, 2018

How to cope with failure and change it to success

Successful people often say that those who have never failed in life have never tried anything out of their leagues. Every average person who has managed to garner immense success for themselves have failed numerous times in their lives but the trait that makes them different from the rest of us is that they get up every single time that they fall and do their work with so much passion and perseverance and continue to do that until they attain perfection in their work.

Time and again we are reminded that in order to cope with failures we should leave our old and conservational ways and take risks in life. Until we continue to do what everyone else is doing we’ll not be able to get above them in any way whatsoever. Change your safe and secured self into a courageous and fearless individual. Every person has some good times and bad times in their lives it’s how we deal with our failures is that what makes us who we are. These are the times when things aren’t going your way, or you’ve lost direction, or your ideas and projects fail, or your progress has stalled, or you’re just having things go poorly overall. Everyone have some peaks and downfalls in their lives and how we handle them gives us our true identities.

Extra ordinary people take failures positively that’s why they are successful. The BEST way to deal with ‘failure’ is to understand what it means, and rather than focus on the fact, place your attention on the judgment that you create about it. If I can control the way I attach myself to a fact of ‘failure’, then I have the power to take the facts, evaluate them, determine how I can do better next time, and I’ll be in better position to take the desired action and accomplish the goal. Stop thinking out failure as a judgement. Look at the facts and make use of them to create more intentioned and better future action.

For more such insights , contact Life coach Vivek Gupta

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