Friday, October 21, 2022

Ways to feel happier in life?

 Ways to feel happier in life?

Practice Gratitude Every Day

There are so many reasons in life to be sad, unhappy, feel dejected but for actual happiness small happenings are more than enough .One needs to the importance of being grateful to what is there with him/her rather than comparing their life to other’s life. Being satisfied and being grateful to life and all the people who are part of your life, making it special every day.

There are events in life when you feel low and shattered but instead of having a negative perspective towards it one must look at this problem with appositive attitude and should be grateful that they did not face problem much bad to the current situation.

Focus On the Present Moment Instead

Whenever you are going through bad phase in life, giving you disappointment that time you must not think much about it, and try to move on in your life  , thinking about your future you must live in your present and forget past . Also, it is very important to be positive and learn from your past mistakes committed.

Do Something That Makes You Happy

Life is a mixture of failure and victory. Sometimes you get victory and achievements in life and sometimes you may also have to face failure.  So, in such time when you have to face failures try to perform those activities which make you happy from inside. Do some activities which make your day best.  If your soul is happy, you will be able to concentrate more on any work and this would also increase your productivity.

Stick to A Schedule Filled With Happy Breaks

If you have a target to achieve, you must make and follow a time table. For being successful you must stick to the time table created .Also, while following this time table you should take small breaks. These breaks can be for refreshment of mind, you can have some snacks, water, a walk or short meditation may be very helpful and can have a strong impact on the mind too.



Write Down Your Goals

Goal setting in life is vital, it reminds you of what is the purpose of your life. Everybody in this world has a purpose , a dream in life and one of the ways to achieve your dream is to write your dream on any sort of chart and paste it at a place where whenever you get up anytime this piece of paper would remind you of your goal and would boost you up from inside.

Get A Little Sweaty

Exercising and Yoga always help people getting refresh and pulling out all the negative vibes from the body.  Also, this physical kind of physical activity make your body sweat and ultimately you start feeling fresh and happy. Yoga also help you to improve your concentration power and helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle resulting into healthy body.

Avoid Negative Relationships & Be with Good Friends

When negative thoughts are progressively growing in your mind, always try to look for a good company and avoid those people producing negative vibes. It would have a great impact on you and your work as well.

Look At Something Yellow

Yellow is a color symbolizing energy, positivity, stability so try to either wear or use yellow color in your life. Colors do play a very important role in life , watching yellow can fill energy in your body and can wake you up from negative or worsen nightmare and take you towards the brightness of positivity.

Buy a Plant

Plants and greenery are equally important in life. Plants provide oxygen which is essential for you to think good, do good and create something good. There are plants that induce good quality of air in the surrounding and these are indoor plants, they remove toxic substances from the environment air and supply purified air. Inhaling to such toxic free air can be life changing for your health and brain.


 Go Outside

Going outside, spending time with nature, friends are some proven stress busters. Stress controlling is really crucial , work pressure can put you into immense amount of tension, so one must go out give themselves time and should throw out all the work related or life related stress out of their house and then sit for their work.

 Have Positive Mantras to Boost Mood

Mantras chanting is yet another way to boost up your mood , one must chant positive mantras to relieve the stress inside and chanting like “Yes, you can definitely do it”, “You are just awesome”, “You are great” these chanting can be beneficial and encourage you to believe in yourself and to not give up in life .

Avoid Negative Self-Talk & Practice Radical Forgiveness

When I life you face failure, never demotivate yourself  , always motivate yourself , even in hard time never loss hope and continuously believe in yourself  .

The toughest quality for a person is to forgive others who committed mistakes. This will create a sense of love and peace into people.

Have a look on the following

Monday, October 17, 2022

Some Awesome Life Changing Hacks

 Some Awesome Life Changing Hacks 

Focus Forward & Visualize Your Dream

In any phase of life , a person with a dream can think that the path forward to achieve dream is very challenging and at that moment person may think of giving up and leave their dream . But this is not an identity of a successful person , if you really have a dream , you should always focus on the your dream and look forward in order to achieve your dream . Never think of losing hopes because of your past incidents but always focus forward. Also, you should always have a very clear image of your dream in your mind , your dream visuals can help you in being focused and it reminds you whenever you are not confident and facing problems in life. If you have visuals of your dream then your sub conscious mind is active and continuously think about the ways to achieve your desire.

 Break Down Your Plans Into Little Pieces

Any dream which is to be achieved should be written on piece of paper and the a proper plan should be made , which include writing time table , following schedule , dividing a big complex plan into small executable pieces . Now when you have a proper time table and plan schedule , you can implement it one by one each step and doing this would be a milestone for you and when you are going step by step you feel good and you step up toward the next process and hence the whole plan can be executed perfectly even obstacles can be resolved in much easier ways .

Don’t Listen To Negative People

In our day to day life you will have people who will encourage you so much in each and every phase of life but you will definitely find those negative people also who discourage you and try to pull your legs. They will insult you , make people laugh on you , will make you feel low , will mentally disturb you , everybody in their life have to face such unwanted people some or the other day , so instead of running away from them you should be ready to face them . Always be cheerful and confident , Always motivate yourself by saying “Yes it’s you , you can do it, ignore ridiculous people “, “keep calm and wait for the results” . Always keep up your strong spirit of achieving goal.

Make Every Step Fun

We have always heard people saying hard work is the key to success , but it’s not only hard work . There are people who work so hard but do not achieve their dream , even after such determination . It’s because they take their dream as work to complete , they do not enjoy their work but put lot of efforts for their dream . Doing a work with fun and doing it considering as work make a difference in the result. Fun is very important in life , enjoying the work  and completing it feels better than working under pressure as then the work is burden not a dream so if you have a dream , ensure you are enjoying it and not taking it as burden on head.

Be Confident and Positive

If you have a strong desire to achieve , never listen to unwanted , discouraging people in  life . Trust yourself , believe in yourself , be confident towards your goal , work hard  to achieve your dream , stay calm , spend time with positive people who give you motivation and help you come out of stress . Positivity of mind is must , if negative thoughts are continuously coming into mind  give time to yourself keep calm and have patience and meditate when you have free time , prefer to do yoga . Let fresh , good air go into your body filling your mind with positive thoughts and beautiful things .


Take Necessary Risks That Feel Right

Since you have  a dream in heart and you continuously run after it to achieve it , when ever required you must take risk .The risk can be taken for choosing right decision . There are times  when you have to take very big decision in life . These decision may change whole career of yours  in such time you can take risks because you know what is right and what is not right for you , your career so any time you should be ready to take risk , but before that you must be sure what you are doing , the risk should not have bad impact on you rather it should be good for you. 



Find Wise Help and Loving Support

Support is something which is crucial at any point of time in life. If you are happy you need someone to share happiness with , if you are sad you need someone with whom you can share your feelings , your anger , your disappointment , most of the time it is your parents but you should always have someone to share your experience and someone to give good idea, support and  wise advise .

Following might help you as well.