Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Top choice of students for Engineering : CS vs IT

 Top choice of students for Engineering : CS vs IT

The Computer Science, Information Technology  branches remained on top as a choice for students opting for Engineering . Computer Science and IT, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Business System, and Computer Science & Engineering all these courses were 100 %filled.

While for other various courses with total of 41,506 seats , 98.49 % of the seats got filled in Telangana through the Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test

Also, almost 100 % seats were filled for Biomedical Engineering, Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Electronics and Telematics branch. 12,219 were there for Electronics and Communication Engineering  about 92 % got filled in the first round , in Electronics and Electrical courses 18,468 seats were there and about 80% seats got allotted.

In the civil, mechanical branches, the percentage was very low only 36.38% and 31.92 % seats were filled respectively. 

Out of the total seats present for engineering course, almost 84.45% were allocated to students in first round only.

Students who got seats should inform on the website and should pay the minimal fees asked before 13th September , if student fails to submit this fees his/her candidature can be cancelled. The students are supposed to report in the college between 17th to 21st October 2022.

Following might help you as well.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Is MBA necessary to become CEO?

 Is MBA necessary to become CEO?

Many CEOs of worldwide famous companies are MBA graduates, like Microsoft,  JP Morgan,  Apple, Blackrock. There are various chief executives pursued  MBA that is Business studies.

It’s really an amazing fact that 22% of the world’s best CEOs are MBA graduates.  69% of CEOs have done MBA as per the statistics of US. In countries like France, the UK and China most of the CEOs are MBA graduates.

The MBA course syllabus consists organizational behavior, finance, marketing and these are the most required skill set for CEOs.

Also, the CEO of any company must have strong communication skills, decision making skills, encouragement skill, leadership , and many more skills and , doing MBA  can help in boosting up  these skills.

The syllabus also includes case studies, business simulators, group projects, professional experiences, extracurricular activities, which help in growing mind 

Now, the question arises why is the fees of MBA course so high everywhere?

It’s because of the experiences students are given exposure to throughout the MBA course.

MBA is not theoretical course, it is not a classroom subject but a whole experience giving course. For students pursuing MBA workshops are all conducted for giving external exposure to the them.

Also interaction with the whole cohort results in giving more practical knowledge and further experience to the students, here cohort means different backgrounds, countries, industries.

Interacting and working with the classmates can help in improving the involvement of people in cultural awareness and getting different viewpoints of other students.

Another question comes into mind, Is it necessary to have an MBA degree to become CEO ?

Although it may seems like all CEOs are MBA graduates itself but it is not that way. Many of the CEOs are not MBA grads but they have gained experience in other fields and now this experience helped them becoming CEOs of companies.

Brian Moynihan, CEO of Bank of America was in banking career , Safra Catz, CEO of tech conglomerate, Oracle, was in investment banking  and there are many more .

Have a look on the following

Thursday, September 1, 2022

How to train your brain to be Emotionally Intelligent ?

 How to train your brain to be Emotionally Intelligent ?

How can a person be Emotional as well as Intelligent at the same time that becoming Emotionally intelligent. This can be achieved by Time & Productivity Management and Getting Stay Interviews Right Techniques, which can help developing soft skills of people thus improving their efficiency to work and giving out best output.

There are platforms like UpGrad and YourDost which provide professional courses to grow people mentally and emotionally. These courses are designed in such a way that it promotes agility and allow to come up with good solution to employee retention and engagement plans.

Mental issues are extensively faced by people now a days , people are so busy in their work that they do not give time to themselves and get into the trap of anxiety and depression.

The course cover topics such that people are able to tackle problems related to mental stress and think wisely in different situation. It guides about the professional ways to deal with daily life profession based problems and what to do in challenging situation.