Friday, August 17, 2018

Jealous of people “who have it all?” Ways to conquer dissatisfaction in life

Jealousy is a common phenomenon in a normal human being and it’s healthy if it’s controlled but when it gets too much it’s a problem for everyone. If you're not careful, however, jealousy can grow into resentment and bitterness. And those destructive emotions could lead to a vicious downward spiral.

Resentment has been increased after the increment in the usage of social media apps. If you're not careful, however, jealousy can grow into resentment and bitterness. And those destructive emotions could lead to a vicious downward spiral. If you're not careful, however, jealousy can grow into resentment and bitterness. And those destructive emotions could lead to a vicious downward spiral. Often people have everything but just because any of their colleagues or friends have have more than them, But life isn't meant to be a competition. Drawing comparisons between yourself and others is like comparing apples and oranges. Your journey is unique and it’s important your individuality.

No one has a perfect life. But, the small snapshot you’re seeing may look more glamorous than it really is—especially if you’re looking at someone’s life on social media. That’s merely because no-one posts details about their failures on social media while we tend to think that their life is perfect which is often wrong.

One step towards accepting yourself is realising that life’s not fair and sometimes people get things that they don’t deserve. Insisting you deserve more and someone else deserves less wastes your time and energy. Accept the things you can’t control and focus on being the best version of yourself, without keeping score .Keep your eyes on your own path to success. The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. Try to become a little better day by day and you’ll feel less threatened by other people’s achievements.

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