Monday, December 20, 2021

Which job to choose- Private or Government?

 Which job to choose- Private or Government?

Every person, after completing their studies will get into a dilemma of choosing a job. The major issue will be on selecting the firms or sector for job, whether government or private. This article is mainly to give some advantages and disadvantages of both the sectors, to help those confused people to make a choice for the job.

Private Job generally means jobs outside the government sector, or under a private heading. Usually people who work in a private firm will be more appreciated for all the hard work they make in the job. The organizations will pay attention to their contribution, and will give appreciation to all those things. For every achievement they will be rewarded with promotion in job and salary bonus and so on.  Along with the appreciation, the private firms are more flexible for people who wish to quit their job. A private employee can leave his job, just completing the notice period, which come after giving the resignation. Also, it is very simple to find a new job in that time itself. Moreover, the private sector provides more opportunities for improving the career for the workers.

When we look into the government sector, the most attracting part is its job security. Termination in government job has a lot of procedures, which needs many legal supports and others. This usually makes all the government workers to enjoy permanent job, if they work properly. Also, majority of the government jobs fall under office category of works, which has a fixed working time. The government jobs ensure enough time for rest and recreation, which is considered as one of the basic human rights. Along with fixation of timings, the public sector also possesses fixed salary and other benefits. The people can get various allowances like, maternity and paternity leave, child care allowances, and so on. Also, many government employees take long leave for completing various education courses also. Generally, the common talks say that a government employee can get salary even if he was absent to work for the whole days. Up to a level, this is correct. The government sector has some special leaves, which does not cut down the salary. Moreover, the government employees have a special status and respect among the common people of the society. 

Even both jobs are like this, they hold some disadvantages also. Unexpected and sudden termination is one of the problems that employees face in a private sector. There is no security for the job in such places. Also, some firms will force the labor to work like a slave, which in turn reduce their resting and recreation time. 

When we look with the negative sides of a government job, the main issue for almost all workers is the lack of recognition. Usually, the hard works in a public sector is not appreciated by providing incentives and other remunerations. Also, in some cases, the society not even gets informed about your hands in a popular and successful work. High demand for getting a government job is also heavy in the present society. The main reason for this demand is the thoughts of the common people about the easy and less work burden in the sector.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How to prepare for GD?

 How to prepare for GD?

MBA is one of the most popular courses in the world. Also this popularity makes the entrance for MBA admission quite hard, for the less working aspirants. Out of the procedures of MBA admission, Group Discussion has a vital role. GD can change the entire rank list, in just some moments itself. Also, GD requires a thorough preparation and knowledge, for scoring high in it. While coming to the preparation part for GD, many of us will surely get confused about the way of preparation. Some of us wish to do self-study, whereas some opt group work. Here, this article is mainly written to give some details about the advantages and disadvantages of both group study and self preparation.

Group working

The main advantage of group study is less burden of studying. The topics which we find important for preparation will be usually divided among the team members. So then, we will get only a minimum burden of the topic, which will help us for having relaxed studying. Group preparation is basically made on sharing of ideas and helping each others. Also, such study methods will help us to find the negative things within us, which will pull us back. Along with that, the study will help to boost our confidence level, while addressing a team for speaking. Besides that we will get tips for how to make good communications with people. And it will surely mould you for getting fit in a group of people, which is essential for a succeeding in any career. 

Even though group study gives us these positive aspects, there are some negatives for it also. The very first disadvantage of group study is the chance of having heated arguments. For GD you will need to prepare for many topics, which will even include some sensible and controversial topics. While preparing with such a topic, the chances of having heated arguments is high, and may spoil the harmony within the group. Along with that, these heating up arguments will force us to come in a term with the other person, just to cool the situation. Along with this there may come some dissatisfaction for all, when some members do not deliver their maximum output to the study. 

Self preparation

The very best thing on self preparation is that we can select topics on our own interest, for preparation. So, we will definitely go through those topics thoroughly. In personal learning, there will be no one to correct you. So you will really find ways to correct your mistakes. So it will improve your skills of identifying mistakes and correcting it. Also, it will force you to take care of your preparation in a detailed manner. We will find out our progress chart as our own, which will promote our self monitoring nature. Along with these, the self study will urge us to find our own motivation, especially in boosting confidence. 

Even though it is like this, there are some negatives for self study. First thing is, we will have to bear the responsibility of the studying process. We will get stressed in this, when we are alone for completing the studies. Usually, for self learners there will be no guiding, which will often lead us to wrong methods of understanding the topics.  Also getting self motivation is really a herculean task. Moreover, having no one for sharing our anxiety and stress will also create difficulty for a self learner. 

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Major 5 motives behind the fact that Happiness Increases Productivity


Major 5 motives behind the fact that Happiness Increases Productivity

For better performing organizations, happiness of their employees is a must. The happier the employees are, the more productively and more enthusiastically they work.

Staying happy at workplaces shows that you are enjoying your work. And anything that we enjoy to do we do it with interest.

In the present scenario the members of a firm whether it's about workers,bosses or the project heads work day to night surviving over a coffee to do their jobs haltingly. 

A very few of them enjoy their work,and those few are really talented ones. They contribute highly towards the productivity and success of an organization. And becomes the center of attraction for young talents, encouraging everybody to work efficiently.

In contrast the people who work unhappily sink the organization they work in. A movie was also made on an incident of a 200 year old British bank that was tumbled down by a single unhappy employee.

So here we are mentioning the five reasons why happiness enhances productivity-

Happy employees give a damn more-

When employees are happy they work more accurately and efficiently towards organizational development and success. They always prioritize their work and motivate the others too, to do the same.

Such an attentive interest contributes in developing the firm to high levels. Happy employees are engaged more towards their tasks. They are more attentive and always come up with brainstorming  progressive ideas.

Happy employees are more loyal-

Happy employees remain positive and always dedicated towards their work and responsibilities. They are much more loyal- and stay working within the organizations for longer durations.

Happy employees contribute to lowering the turnovers of companies.Turnover refers to the cost of hiring and training the new employees.

Lower turnovers helps in increasing productivity and reduces the slow down rates.

Happy employees enjoy their work and can even go beyond once expectations to achieve excellence in whatever they do. Also they do overtime very positively, increasing productivity in a short time.

In a survey of  Boston Consulting Group it was revealed that most of the employees just want appreciation for their work. Nobody will be thinking of quitting their jobs when they are enjoying it and getting appreciation for the same.

Happy employees are healthier-

Work concerning mental disorders like psychological injuries are encountered within the employees when they are not happy with the work they are doing. This eventually causes loss to both the individuals and the organization. Because only healthy employees could work. And unhealthy eventually takes the leave who's work  voids remain unfulfilled. This causes loss to the organization productivity.

According to the survey reports of  workers’ health regulatory body Safe Work Australia, every year 7,500 Australians demand for psychological injuries due to work.

Some workers can even encounter severe depression. These folks usually take more sick leaves in a month as compared to the other employees. So unhealthy employees cause the drastic loss to the firm.In contrast the happy workers contribute towards the organization's growth.

Happiness breeds like rabbits-

Happiness always increases productivity. If one is happy he will be doing his tasks more effectively and efficiently. So he not only increases the productivity of the firm but eventually motivates the other fellow workers.

If a manager is happy with his work, he will be motivating his entire team to excel. There will be an atmosphere of positivity and achievement, where there will be no voids left out for stress and disappointments.

In a happy atmosphere of a firm, each member will motivate the other to work . There will be a sound sense of achievement. Goals will be reached more effectively with each other's motivation and support. 

Employees who are happy are less likely to deny asking or providing help to others.  This will also contribute positively towards the development and productivity of the organization.

Happy employees take more risks-

Happy employees exhibit risk bearing abilities.

Coming with out of the box ideas and taking risks is the utmost important feature in the business firms. 

Frustrated employees always plan to play safe while happy employees are always ready for the calculated risks.

Happy employee acts as a bridge between the market and their company’s processes. Happy employees are the reason behind building a positive atmosphere at the workplace. They guide their fellow workers to work and learn from their mistakes. They make others fearless. The people who remain frightened of taking risks lose several important opportunities.


Above enlisted are the major motives of why happy employees are must. They contributed to the overall development of the firm. Happiness of employees should be considered as the utmost priority in the organizations to enhance their productivity and to achieve success.

To quit higher salaried jobs just for grasping the work which they love has become a new trend these days. People focus more on enjoying their work rather than to be paid for it. Money doesn't matter but happiness matters though.

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Monday, December 13, 2021

Life without mobile phones is tough to imagine


Life without mobile phones is tough to imagine

Today life without mobile phones cannot be imagined. Youth of today is deeply indulged into the life of social media.When one's message is kept on seen for more than a week, the sender can develop a moment of hysteria.

Youth below the age of twenty has become so involved in the social communication platform. They can never imagine their life without this. Sending messages is the most popular means of communication.

These messages have caused barriers in the development of communication skills. Youth,more particularly eighteen year old youth, find it hard to wait for a reply. They use  iMessage, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Whatsapp, Blackberry Messenger or old texts and are unwilling to wait for a reply for longer than a minute.

Communication via messaging has become a new norm in the youth. Even a telephone call is tagged as archaic. Media reports suggest that if youth remain so excessively indulged in usage of these social media platforms and keep preferring being in the virtual world over the real world, they will completely lose their ability to even talk. More specifically the youngsters avoid taking phone calls.

The people became addicted to this mode of communication due to the introduction of several androids and iPhone technologies. People like to stay in touch socially,via their social media accounts and handles. Whether it's gaming or communication Mobile phones provide them all.

Reliability over the Mobile Phones-

As these smartphones have almost all the reliable features, people have developed a complete dependence on them. Nobody can even imagine their life without usage of mobile phones.

People have started using mobile phones as a means to show off.  Youth of today has become completely dependent on social media platforms. Getting a phone call in today's era can be considered as getting a letter from your loved one's. Whether it's communication or other day to day activities people become completely dependent on their mobile phones.

Starting from early good morning to the late good nights we have made it a part of our lives.

Shopping,banking, and even attending online lectures are included everywhere.

Not being on the social media platforms gives you a sense of FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out)

The communication has become instant. One can be distanced from a group of people if hasn't received the call or has replied to a few messages in a 5 min tenure. Our society has become completely ruled by mobile phones.

The messages and information transfer at an instant rate. It can prove harmful for some important information and privacy.

Before mobile phones relationships were more intense and partners were much evolved towards each other. In the present era couples are connected and communication exists for almost 24×4 between the partners.This has both positive as well as negative impacts. It's good to be connected more but it proved equally problematic too.

Online chatting with people and getting into serious relationships has become quite common these days. People get indulged in talking with strangers even without knowing their actual traits, get serious and eventually get hurt on seeing their true colors.Mobile phones proved helpful in bringing the family and friends close but it also gave rise to some problematic issues.

Anarchy off screen-

Using text messages over calls has also been proved the cause of misunderstandings among family,friends and the loved ones. Also people can never get the tone and expressions with the texts. This is also one of the biggest drawbacks that a person can never get to know in which context a text has been sent, actual or taunt.

Even after knowing so much of the bad impacts of the mobile phones over our life, we find it tough to discard it. We are so addicted to mobile phones that we can never imagine our lives without them. Updating the social media handles of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter has become a part of our life.

Only for a single day if we are advised not to use our mobile phones, anarchy would be ensured.We will be so much disturbed and panicked too. People will feel uncomfortable to exchange their thoughts and views in a detailed manner. The urge to open their social media accounts would peeve them eventually.

Mobile phones definitely cause anxiety and incoherence in our lives. There, it can be proved useful to develop positive values. People can know the value and beauty of communicating and interacting with others face to face.

Happiness can be destroyed by expectations


Happiness can be  destroyed by expectations

Some famous quotes state that keeping your expectations high will definitely lead you towards success. Keeping your expectations high increases your potential and eventually leads you towards success.

Also keeping expectations always high will lead to intense pressure and workload. This will slaughter your happiness. If you expect to get a score of 100 marks and you get 98,still there will be disappointment of not getting a perfect 100. You won't be happy with your achievement also.But it's clear that if the target is set for 100,one has scored 98. If expected lesser(99) than might have scored much lesser (96).  Keeping expectations high is really good but one must never associate their happiness with expectations.

One will always remain disappointed, if they expect favors in return for the help they have provided.

At the workplaces, conveying the expectations orderly proves to be beneficial. The employer should enlighten his expectations and demands so that desired work could be achieved. And employees too should convey to their employer about their expectations (wages, flexible work hours,etc).

When expectations are kept high,they can be proved beneficial or hazardous. High expectations help in achieving success but can also harm your self esteem.Working on high expectations also detaches you from living happily, you remain stressed for the future.

Keeping expectations high can definitely ravage the relationships. One must never over expect, because expectations hurt the most. But toxic relationships can be avoided by keeping some expectations.

People will treat you in the way you allow them to treat you,it's all in your hands. Suppose your best friend always demands you to help him but never helps in return,this thing can be tolerated as your best friend is worth it.But you should be aware of those people who misuses our kindness.

Having clear cut expectations helps you choose wisely. Whether it's a friend or the life-partner being clear helps in choosing better.

Sometimes generalizing about the tasks and things also creates unusual expectations. Like it's been generalized that women are always  being the homemakers and men are the earning hands. This generalization causes pressure as well as partially.

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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Improvements that technology has brought into our lives


Improvements that technology has brought into our lives

In recent years technology has developed enormously.Technology has revolutionized our way of living.Weather it's about work, education or entertainment, technology has changed the mode of all.These advancement in technology has led to several advantages as well as many harms. We live in a world where on one hand we are contributing towards renovating the climate change issues.And on the other hand we are completely dependent on several  technical industries which in turn are the cause of environmental pollution.In industrial work too,the technical robots have been replaced by humans.Technology has proven itself as a boon for improving the way we live.Technology has positively impacted our life in several ways.

Mobile Phones-

In the present era no one could imagine how life would be without mobile phones. It has become a huge part of our daily lives. Mobile phones facilitate communication of people from one corner of the world to the other. No one has imagined that a thing like a cell phone will replace the ancient mode of communication (telephones,landlines,postcards,letters,etc) and a person will be able to talk to another within a seconds no matter how far away they are just by touching a button. Mobile phones can be costly too, there are several cost effective options available while purchasing the one.

There are many best sim only deals, these allow the buyer to pay for only the usage of a sim card. Mobile phones are required for using a sim card. They can be very costly or even can be brought at cheaper rates. The cost for a Mobile Phone depends upon the model and features you are interested in. Lasted features and modals always cost high.


Technology has both the positive as well as the negative impacts on our lives. It has also helped in staying fit as well as disbalanced the fitness of many. It's a debatable topic. Technology has ruined and caused a hindrance in the physical activities of children. Kids of today spend most of their time playing video games and computers. Youths stay indulged in their phone screens,using social media platforms for most of the time.adapting physical exercises in day to day life is becoming extinct eventually. In contrast there is some technical equipment which encourages people to stay fit like fitness bands,treadmills,gym bikes,etc.

Several step counting apps help you stay fit. Some of them guids about your diet plan, calories burn,etc. So concludingly it depends on the  person's perspective whether he needs to use the technology to stay fit or deteriorate your health.


Modes of transportation have also been revolutionized with the developing technology.

Bus,car,taxis,plane,and ships now can be booked online. There are several apps like Uber,that facilitate you to book your taxi by a single touch on your phone screen. Several improvements in air transportation have also evolved. Planes these days have luxurious bathrooms,gyms,bars,etc. But these transportations also cause hazardous impacts to the environment.They cause increase in levels of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere which in turn cause air pollution.


There's a constant interaction going on world wide rather than the usage of mobile mobile phones too. These interactions are getting stronger day by day with the evolution of technology. Many companies have started working at the global level by virtue of this.

During the pandemic crisis , communication was the only means for continuations of  several jobs.Work from home opportunities are one of the most important contributions. Fax machines and letters have been replaced by instant messages.

Several social media apps facilitate communication. Streaming videos, photos and thoughts can be done through several social media platforms. These apps provide privacy policies too,to restrict your account's reach. These apps are more popular among youngsters. Nobody can imagine their life without apps like whatsapp, facebook, instagram,etc.


Having 50-inch LCD TV screens in the home has become a new trend. In earlier days people relied on theaters for entertainment. But having big screen in home itself is like bringing a mini

theater at home. TV screens have also evolved from a decade ago and now 3D and HD quality improves the picture quality for your screen. The wireless features have also been included in them. Now you can connect to the TV screens even with a WiFi support system too.

Entertainment sector has improved a lot. Filmmakers are focusing more on picture quality,content and quality of sounds. Lots of investments are made in these sectors. Millions are spent on making a film to make it a hit at the box office. Getting more and more viewers is the only aim of these film makers.

As we have seen above there are several positive impacts of the technology that have made our life more luxurious.  Technology has both the positive and the negative impacts over our lives. One thing we must keep in our minds is that we should never let technology take over our lives. Technology is boon for us if utilized discreetly. But it can also prove to be a curse if unguardedly.

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Friday, December 10, 2021

World after the post pandemic


World after the post pandemic

Covid has entirely revolutionized the genre of living. Modes studying,working,traveling everything has changed.Few variations are streaky while few will remain. Post pandemic world will be entirely different from the world before. Several conversations for the same are going on at global level.

Impact of covid on our world-

The significance of the emphatic healthcare regime has drastically increased. In the shortage of an emphatic healthcare system we have lost a number of lives of our loved ones. To overcome this, countries are emphasizing more and more in improving the infrastructure of the healthcare sector.

Even after the departure of the pandemic, habits like use of sanitizers, wearing masks, making social distancing will be followed in continuity by many folks.

Pandemic has resulted in a sort of blocking of international transportation which in turn caused deficiency of many essential commodities. To overcome this, countries have started manufacturing their own commodities, eventually promoting nationalism over globalism.

Covid will come into consideration of a normal flu until the entire population gets completely vaccinated.

People and organizations will become more conscious. On finding of any new viral strain immediate actions will be taken to eradicate the possibility of pandemic occurrence. Checking body temperatures, and vaccination certificates will become a compulsion to travel internationally.

Opportunities for work from home have drastically increased over the time. Most of these jobs has exhausting 24×7 working hours, which will definitely be questioned by the workers. To overcome such issues new rules and regulations for work from home opportunities will be introduced.

Gig economy will surmount at a very increasing rate.

More emphasis will be given on healthy diet schedules to build immunity and stay healthy.

Online studies, and hybrid mode of studies will be preferred more by the scholars.

The cooperation of the word will enhance as it has helped in overcoming the pandemic crisis.So more healthy relations will be maintained at the international levels.

E-governance will be established as the fundamental rights for the people.

People will be focused on making investments to overcome the gloomy days. Emergency funds are gonna surely help people in times of crisis.

People will become more close with their family and relatives. They will know the importance and worth of their families and will spend more time with them.

Ideal world after the pandemic-

Pandemic has drastically affected the economically weaker segment of the society more than the others. They are more affected. Their kids faced loss in their studies, their parents lost their jobs.  Measures for prevention from such circumstances should be taken.

Sustainable development can be achieved as people get the understanding of the reversal of the negative impact of humans on the environment as they were in lock down for such a long period.

Providing green jobs should be appreciated.

Information crossing internationally  should be appreciated and accepted.

Rural areas should be developed and used to create employment opportunities after the pandemic because population density in the rural areas has increased in recent months.

Few changes due to pandemics  are inevitable  but some of them can be reversed. Vulnerable people are more affected. Their kids faced loss in their studies, their parents lost their jobs.  Measures for prevention from such circumstances should be taken.

Benefits of investing in Cryptocurrencies


Benefits of investing in Cryptocurrencies.

Business of crypto currency has taken the financial world by storm since it was initiated in 2009. In India digital currency is getting famous day by day. According to the Global Crypto Adoption Index by Chainalysis, India stands second in adoption of crypto currency.

Here are the major 5 advantages to start investing in cryptocurrency. If you're doubting yourself for investing in crypto simply go through the contentions mentioned below-

1.Control over your assets:

Most importantly the decentralized character of crypto trading provides one the command to own and stock their assets in barring the intromission of the third party.

Reciprocation, or middlemans who provide liberty for traders to avail utmost profits from the prevailing rate of reciprocation never determine the value of possessions.

2.. Deflationary assets:

Those assets whose purchasing power enhances with time are termed as deflationary assets.The supply of some cryptocurrencies like bitcoins and some others is very confined, thus they are also included under the category of these deflationary assets. Cryptocurrencies exhibit an algorithm that lays a cap on their thorough supply.

3. Transparent and secure:

The reason behind the popularity of Cryptocurrency is its transparent nature, virtue to stream and openly- verifiable technology.

The most ancient cryptocurrency of India is Zebpay that was established in 2009. Zebpay offers a secure podium for merchandising in cryptocurrencies.

4. Good choice for long term investment:

Crypto market is designated by motility and inconstancy. Even after such drawbacks the investments in crypto are considered to be of legal in terms of benefit. These can be considered as a good source of savings,or can help you to overcome the financial crisis in your gloomy days.

5. Flexible and Independent trading:

Crypto trading facilitates the flexible work hours as it is available for 24×7.Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ripple- altcoins enhances feasibility, earning profits eventually helping diversification of portfolios.

But before investing in crypto, one must keep in mind the things to do and things to avoid while making the investment.

  • First of all, one must do the proper research before investing in cryptocurrencies. Nobody wishes for the loss so to avoid it, taking precautions is must.

  •  Cryptocurrencies are volatile in nature, so knowing about its risks is of the primary importance.

  • Investment in crypto must be done on the basis of the investor's understanding towards the assets.

  • Cryptocurrencies have several roles including liquidity and stability, thus it's proper knowledge is very much essential. More the demand of the community backing more will be the attraction of investors towards the cryptocurrencies.

  • Knowledge and understanding about the regulation of crypto currency. And Indian Laws must be obeyed by service providing authorities. Approach of crypto is primordially different as it's a digital platform,also its rules  fabricate globally.

  • There should be the proper knowledge about the limit of cryptocurrencies,Bitcoin offers upto 21 million coins.

  • Thoroughly read and research over the cryptocurrency you are planning to invest in. Zebpay , Bitcoin are popular cryptocurrencies. Liquidity impacts the price mortality of cryptocurrencies. Thus mortality of each cryptocurrency differs from one another.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Impact of social media on today’s generation


Impact of social media on today’s generation

Social media has a huge impact on the youth. Each and every thing that exists has its own advantages and disadvantages. Even a coin has two sides, heads and tails. Similarly social media has its own pros and cons

Pros of Social media-

  • Social media has become a huge platform of reciprocating the thoughts and opinions among a community. 

  • It's helping the youth to have a clear knowledge about cultural misbeliefs and superstitions. 

  • People have the complete knowledge of current affairs throughout the world as they are being published on social platforms.

  •  There has been a significant increase in parent-teacher communication and interactions.

  • The youth has greatly influenced society towards participating in social works. 

  • The new born entrepreneurs are seeking the attention of the investment authorities for better investments in their business ideas.

Cons of social media-

  • Social media's major drawback is, it fascinates the youth and  they get exclusively indulged in it.

  • Excessive use of social media platforms leads to encounters of diseases like insomnia and depression.

  • It adversely affects serious interpersonal relationships and decreases the contraction power.

  • It also leads to anxiety, disrespectful behavior, intolerance,etc.

  • 75% of today's youth are socially very active,and spend most of their precious time on maintaining and indulging more and more in their social media accounts and profiles.

  • AIIMS indirected a severe case of selficide. Selficide indicates being excessively indulged in taking a lot of selfies, which is the result of social media infatuation.

  •  There has been a decrease in family relations due to the excessive use of social media.The youth is getting distanced from family members and gatherings.

  • Usage of social media also affects the economy because a fraction of income is getting invested in recharging for the data packs.

  •  Social media decreases the performance of employees at their workplace. They become less dedicated towards their job due lack of concentration as a result of which can even get fired from their jobs. 

  • Social media platforms have also become a looting hub for some criminal minded people. They use fake Social media accounts to decoy guiltless people.

So Social media has its own positive and negative impacts. It's on us how we use it. There should be proper guidance to the youngsters by their family members. Social media is a boon for us if we use  it discreetly.But it's a curse if used inconspicuously.

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Friday, December 3, 2021

The study abroad destination choices of students are transforming(changing).


The study abroad destination choices of students are transforming(changing).

One month ago the international travel restrictions were relieved. But Omicron the new Covid-19 variant has come to light. Singapore was the first country who allowed the Indian flights to land in its territory. Ambitious students who have plans of completing their studies from foreign universities are looking for the precautionary measures for protection from the new strain.

For the Indian ambitious students most preferred abroad institutes  are from US, UK and Canada.

Australia is less preferred than Uk.

Several countries offer study programs for Indian students. But Indian students used to prefer Australia to complete their studies abroad. But Australia has not yet welcomed the immigrants for studying.

This has become a drawback for Australia itself. Because other countries like Canada and the US are allowing the Indian students to continue their studies in their territory by approving their vaccination certificates after the end of the pandemic crisis.

Most of the students have enrolled themselves in Australia for completing their studies but as Australia has not yet allowed the emergencies, the  students don't want to waste their one more year.

According to some reports, Brexit caused a shortage of labour. And the UK is about to come in Brexit's category soon. Also due to the pandemic crisis, the requirement of meritorious professionals has hiked in the field of healthcare, logistics and information technology.

The UK also provides the two year work permit( by new graduate route) to work in the country to the students studying in the UK after completion of their graduation. 

Students getting attracted towards Canada.

During pandemic crisis Canada came back to the normal much earlier than UK, i.e. Canada tackled the health issues far better than the UK. This is the reason why many students preferred Canada over the UK.

The UK now has managed to deal with the post pandemic events and now came at much better position.

Also Canada offers far better immigration eventualities as compared to other countries. Canada has top ranked institutions and universities and offers education at comparatively low rates.

By the end  2024 the count of Indian students studying abroad will reach around 1.8 million,says the recent report of firm RedSeer.

The report also says that even after the pandemic crisis the ambitions of students to study abroad have not slackened. Better job opportunities and easy immigrations are the reason behind the student's attraction.

Students also have a desire to stay home.

Last year the foreign studying students faced several problems in returning back to their native places as a lockdown was imposed. To avoid such conditions again , students are desiring to stay near their native places.

The campuses of American, Canadian and UK universities are located in Dubai too, so Dubai campuses of these universities being much closer to India has become a preference for many students.

Singapore is also becoming the centre of attraction of students  as it has universities which are internationally reputed. Parent's concern has also been noticed, as they are less willing to send their kids to study abroad.

Twinning programs are getting fame-

The most important reason behind the game of twinning programs is the coronavirus pandemic.Several  pandemic restrictions have been imposed which accelerated the rate of study programs. And lead the students to prefer the twinning programs.

When foreign universities and local institutions make an agreement, this gives rise to the twinning programs.

According to the signed agreement the students can study in their own country and after a particular duration of time can go abroad for completion of their studies.

The local institutions provide the enrolled graduation and post graduation students with regular curriculum of the foreign institution.

The credits of students can be relocated to the foreign institution after completion of a few segments of study from their native place.

 To study abroad is really exciting for the students. The ambitious Indian students who have the will of completing their studies abroad to grab better opportunities are still looking forward to migrating abroad even after the pandemic crisis.

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