Sunday, July 22, 2018

Working abroad can boost your career

When people live in their home country, they are often surrounded by others who mostly behave in similar ways so they are not compelled to question whether their own behaviours reflect their core values or the values of the culture which they are embedded in. This changes when you live abroad, since exposure to newer values and beliefs forces you to re-examine yours.
Some cultures value conversations based on results and the future of the company, while others value the journey or the learning. You learn to tread these fine lines, customizing the message, and adapt quickly to situations, people and practices, becoming more effective in your communication and negotiation. In Switzerland, for example, the “respect” denotes valuing time and getting to the point without hesitation, while, in China, it means accepting authority.
The global stage also helps you stay updated with the latest developments in your field. it’s important to fully exploit the opportunity to learn something from the local culture, be open to new environments—and grow both professionally and personally.
For study and work options abroad, visit Study and work abroad

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