Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The bliss of travelling alone

Travelling alone can be the most petrifying yet beautiful experience of one’s life. People have accepted for it to be life-changing. It is one the milestones in life that everyone should achieve or rather everyone should have this in their bucket list and if they don’t, well they should add this right at this exact instant. The ones who do it regularly find this addicting and just can’t ever get enough of it. The one’s who do it should at least give it a chance.

Certainly, being a female traveller in India can have lots of hurdles and hindrances but even for them a good combination of a bit of common sense and caution, travelling alone can be a wonderful experience for women smitten with wanderlust. 

Traveling on your own definitely gives you the headspace and focus to reflect on your self and ultimately, experience how it is to live with yourself - mood swings and all. Without anyone to turn to for immediate distraction and attention, traveling solo encourages us to find fulfilment in the simplest things that we take for granted. You will start to notice the most mundane things which actually turns out to be the greatest delights of traveling - a bright blue sky with the sun rays touching your face, buskers on the street singing your fave tune. 

Although, there might be times when you lose your patience and regaining it might seem like the toughest thing in the world but enjoying and thriving in your own company will be the greatest most important life lesson that you will ever learn. 

There are predominantly 2 types of people in the world, either introvert or extrovert. In order to cure some people’s public fright or anxiety the best way is to go out any meet new ones as much as possible. When you'll be travelling alone you will have no option but to meet and make friends with strangers almost everyday hence improving you’re virtues and will make you more and more comfortable in the company of others. You'll come across people from all parts of the world and learn a lot more about their culture and traditions hence, giving you a wider perspective of life in general.

Conclusively, going solo has something for every individual and your journey will change you in ways unimaginable. The freedom you experience when traveling solo is just different and awe-inspiring - from being able to go at your own pace and not feeling guilty about it, to the strength and confidence you discover within yourself. It’s a peaceful and calming experience you’ll likely to want to experience over and over again.

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