Wednesday, June 15, 2022



Teamwork is important for a company’s growth. There are so many benefits of teamwork it helps in better problem solving, enhance personal growth, few mistakes, more productivity, etc. Sometimes, issue emerges due to lack of clarity, lack of communication, different geographical locations. It doesn’t matter how experienced manager or team members are issues may arise when managing an international team.

Below are some ways to manage team internationally:

  1. Planning

Planning plays an important part while working on a project and managing a team. By using, conferencing tools like zoom, skype, etc. brief out the project to the team. Discussing about the project on regular basis and have a better understanding. Planning ensures everyone in determining the way forward. As a result, the team's production will improve.

  1. Communication

Web conferencing with strong communication tools is a good approach to connect with the team. Good team communication increases productivity, creativity, leads to good collaboration, builds trust, builds clients relation, etc. Because of a lack of cooperation, teams don’t perform well. So, to keep the team engaged and organized, the team manager must have excellent communication skills. A great manager conveys the goals or targets in a straightforward, clear, and compassionate manner. 

  1. Team goals

Developing a precise blueprint is critical for a manager in charge of an international team. Establishing a blueprint improves productivity and ensures that goals are met within the timeframe set. It guarantees that all employees are informed of the goal from the beginning. Working across separate regions, for example, can stress out your team, causing individuals to lose focus or strive toward goals that are incompatible. Team charters are also a wonderful tool to concentrate the team's efforts. Working across separate regions, for example, can strain out your team, causing individuals to lose focus or strive toward goals that are incompatible. In such a case, a team charter can assist everybody get back on the right path. 

  1. Equal participation

Roles of every individual should be clearly defined according to competency and aptitude to assist a team do well. Determining duties on one's skill sets also assures that the task is executed properly and without mistakes. Managers must tell individual their roles within the team. 

  1. Regular Feedback

Regular feedback by manager helps the team to increase the output, work on their weaknesses and have more confidence and also helps to keep up the team’s morale up. Schedule regular video calls to give feedback. And it is also important for manager to be fair and equal. It crucial for manager to keep up with international team. And don’t forget to award the team equally as it promotes confidence.

  1. Project management software

The use of project management software ensures that the team works efficiently. They're also useful for statistics and corporate intelligence management. Project management software and templates increase the productivity of the team and improves the project's usefulness. Some of the most widely used project management software include Trello, Clarizen, and Asana.

Have a look on the following

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