Saturday, December 19, 2009

Gender Equality--Beyond a Point


Since my childhood, I was made to believe that men are superior to women. This was essentially because of family background coupled with the schooling, both very ordinary

Then, by god bless, I studies in top colleges, Delhi College of Engineering and IIM Bangalore for my BTech and MBA which gave me a different learning. This education was supported by working in US based Fortune 20 companies like Coca Cola and American Express and I completely changed a man who would preach gender equality at any given moment.

I an happily doing that for about 8 years but recently, I have started to figure out that some Gender specific qualities do exist and it is better for humanity in general if we do not try to override them.

On one side, the work of child bearing is given to woman ( and it takes full 9 months, no scientific developments have succeeded in improving efficiencies here :) so they are also given far more patience and emotions than man. They are blessed to wear thousand kind of shades in Sarees, Salwars, Jeans, Long Skirts, Short skirts, Trousers etc etc making shopping necessary for them. To go with those thousand dresses, they need jewelery, shoes, nail polishes and lip sticks. To buy all those stuff, they need time so woman take time to dress up..Totally fair

Men on other hand have 8-10 or at max 20 options. In office, they can wear only trousers with very few shade and pattern options. They do not need to buy jewellary, costmetics etc also

So essentially by nature, I observed Men are asked to earn while Woman are destines to spend that money..Right

So, woman are generally mis fit in working/ corporate environment till men continue to be away from Child Birth, Shopping, Dressing and monthly cycles.

So it is not about glass ceiling for woman. I think the point is they have been destines to involve themselves in more fun so why to bother for late night meetings, 3 hrs travel one way to office or economic class travel 15 days/month.

Like Men help in Kitchen some times or do dishes, wash or press clothes, woman are also best till they provide support to Men at work.

Why do they need to be Vice oresidents???

Someone, please give me some answers