Monday, September 3, 2018

Having fun everyday!?

This statement might seem absurd to a major section of the modern generation in which most of the individuals are extremely workaholic and career centric and are so involved in their work that they like to think or believe that work is worship.

 In metropolitan cities like Delhi, Bombay etc. the weight is further increased by the immensely time consuming and exhausting commuting form place to place. Spending 2 to 3 hours just to reach your work destination is an everyday phenomenon so not having time for any other task or every leisure time for that matter is nothing out of the blue. So much so that they have completely eradicated the leisure aspect of their life. They eat, breath, live work. This ideology however, is very wrong. Work is sorely one aspect of our lives but it’s not everything. We work to live not live to work. For a stable and successful life we need to learn to manage these aspects and give equal emphasis to every single one of them.

We as human beings need to have a social life outside of our work places and homes. These serve the purpose of a sort of a purgatory release of our emotions and thoughts. Just a 20 to 30 minutes chit chat with our friends and acquaintances can successfully solve the purpose of helping us relax, catch up and socialise. For some this might seem like a waste of time and an extra dose of burden on an already exhausted body but however on the contrary, it will help you relax your body. This was the basic mantra of our preceding generations. They used to work then spend some time with their friends probably having a cup of tea exchanging their views on various random issues before going to home. Sure, it’s a much costlier task in today’s context and they might have had it a tad bit easier but inculcating this mantra in our own lives is going to be extremely rewarding.

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