Thursday, May 5, 2022

Say it yourself “I am good enough”

 Say it yourself “I am good enough”

We all can connect through Experiences. Just like every other person I had spent much of my life feeling that I was inadequate and incapable of love. I had read about love in books and saw it around me but I assumed it was only for the chosen ones and I just wasn't one of those.

Ever questioned this “not good enough” notions?

What gave me the impression of not being good enough?  It was mostly due to incidents in my initial periods that I misunderstood and misconstrued. At a very young age I decided I wasn't good enough or capable of love, and that dogma would stayed with me and defined my worldview.

What impact did this belief system have on me? My self-esteem was practically non-existent. It's fascinating that once I decided I wasn't sufficient, none of the achievement could persuade my mind that I was enough. My thoughts have already made their place in my subconscious.

The list of my achievements was long. Like the time I participated at Disneyland with my choir or onstage in dance shows and musicals. It didn't make a difference when I won debate championship awards. It still wasn't enough that I earned first place in my class and addressed a ceremony full of people who were dreaming to be like me.

Why did it make no difference that I bagged a full-tuition grant and  graduated summa cum laude from college? Apart from this  while I was in situations of community and religious leadership. It did not count that I had a fantastic spouse and a lovely family. I accomplished so much  but since I had determined when I was six years old that I wasn't good enough that dogma stayed firmly in my mind. I wasn't constantly mindful of my thoughts, but my environment was dominated by those fundamental assumptions.

Searching for the root 

 While I was on my way to enlightenment that advice of a mentor played a huge role. He assisted me in determining he real reason behind my thought process. We discovered the root, and I recognized believing I was unfit and incapable of love were incorrect. But

 simply understanding the reality was insufficient to transform a decade's worth of patterns and opinions. I felt like a recovered junkie who wanted to return to what was normal. It seems weird to wish to return, yet there is a sense of security in recurrence. The unknown might be frightening, but now that I've broken loose from a period of enslavement to harmful and false ideas life seems blissful.

Come and Join me

I make an effort to call out people out there who, unlike me, have been shackled by silly perceptions for one circumstance or the other, and I assure you a happier, more content life. You will experience so much more peace and plenty if they only knew the truth. I encourage you to believe and to spread this hopeful message: You are enough!

Have a look on the following

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