Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Important Changes to PTE and IELTS Comparison Scores


Important Changes to PTE and IELTS Comparison Scores


The PTE has issued its latest concordance report and made changes in some comparison scores to IELTS. This might lead to a significant impact on visa applicants’ eligibility for visas and skilled visa points in the future. The adjustments as listed on the PTE website are:



The PTE assures there are no changes in the conduction of the test or how it is scored. The concordance study compared IELTS Academic results with PTE Academic results and it did not involve IELTS General tests. The same scoring criteria is used for IELTS Academic and General as they are almost 50% the same test. Thus, it is reasonable to apply the concordance research results to IELTS General for setting entry requirements.

The PTE also states that the Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom governments have been notified of the changes, and it is their decision as to whether they change the score requirements for visa applications. So far, the Department of Home Affairs didn’t make any announcement of changes in the PTE score requirements for visa purposes. The current PTE score requirements will remain in place until the new legislation is released.

It is unclear on how this will affect those with existing EOIs or pending visa applications, as we have no information on the approach of the Department of Home Affairs.

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