Monday, December 13, 2021

Happiness can be destroyed by expectations


Happiness can be  destroyed by expectations

Some famous quotes state that keeping your expectations high will definitely lead you towards success. Keeping your expectations high increases your potential and eventually leads you towards success.

Also keeping expectations always high will lead to intense pressure and workload. This will slaughter your happiness. If you expect to get a score of 100 marks and you get 98,still there will be disappointment of not getting a perfect 100. You won't be happy with your achievement also.But it's clear that if the target is set for 100,one has scored 98. If expected lesser(99) than might have scored much lesser (96).  Keeping expectations high is really good but one must never associate their happiness with expectations.

One will always remain disappointed, if they expect favors in return for the help they have provided.

At the workplaces, conveying the expectations orderly proves to be beneficial. The employer should enlighten his expectations and demands so that desired work could be achieved. And employees too should convey to their employer about their expectations (wages, flexible work hours,etc).

When expectations are kept high,they can be proved beneficial or hazardous. High expectations help in achieving success but can also harm your self esteem.Working on high expectations also detaches you from living happily, you remain stressed for the future.

Keeping expectations high can definitely ravage the relationships. One must never over expect, because expectations hurt the most. But toxic relationships can be avoided by keeping some expectations.

People will treat you in the way you allow them to treat you,it's all in your hands. Suppose your best friend always demands you to help him but never helps in return,this thing can be tolerated as your best friend is worth it.But you should be aware of those people who misuses our kindness.

Having clear cut expectations helps you choose wisely. Whether it's a friend or the life-partner being clear helps in choosing better.

Sometimes generalizing about the tasks and things also creates unusual expectations. Like it's been generalized that women are always  being the homemakers and men are the earning hands. This generalization causes pressure as well as partially.

Following may help as well.

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