Many may wonder what kind of information I am sharing. I always says this blog is to share any important and relevant information that I can
My CAR is haryana registration. I though to get High security registration plate HSRP from Panipat location. I registered online at https://hsrphr.com/ and it was amazing experience. I got a date only 5-6 days ahead and got receipt
But the address on receipt is Panipat sector 25 transport number . Now, how do I find this location. There is no phone number, no plot number , no shop number anywhere. You can toll free that u provide on website but they even don't know
So I went there and it took me 30 minutes to find. So I am sharing that info with you so that no one else has to suffer
it is closed on Sunday that's the big thing
This is again front shop, HSRP shop is back of it
Thank you so much for this detailed post.